Homemade Blueberry & Lemon Pancakes // athomevlogs

    What's up guys! I didn't lie when I promised I would post again
Today I have a special surprise for you - a little vlog! You're probably like, uh, no thanks. 
Right now it's easy for me to feel extremely upset and anxious. A lot of my friends have been wrestling with social media for good reasons. I am in no way trying to undermine what's going on in the world, but our energy reserves have already been running out in an abnormal way during quarantine. We already feel different in this new normal and now we're running on empty. We can't stand each other, we can't stand politics, we can't stand brutality. Often times, I let my thoughts run loose and I soon become enraged, confused, and tired. So, I would like you to make some pancakes for yourself or any food that you have been craving. Cooking may not be therapeutic for everyone, but something simple like pancakes guarantees an easy and delicious outcome. I know that pancakes aren't going to solve the problem, but it might help you with your sanity - just a little. Plus, it'll give you a chance to spend time away from your phone. Would you do that for me please? You will? Great! XD

I've been eyeing this recipe on Pinterest for awhile and I decided today was the day. The key ingredient is the lemon zest. I've never tried to put lemon zest in my pancakes before - but oh my goodness it is delicious. It's almost as if I pioneered the art of using lemon zest and blueberries together in desserts myself (I mean, pancakes are like a breakfast-dessert). I developed a love for pancakes in high school although I used to be a waffle person. Both are good? I think I love pancakes partly because of the memories that are attached to all those times at iHop; Saturday brunches with ravenous teammates and Silver Diner evenings with my friends. Another reason is that we never made homemade pancakes in our Korean household. If we did, it was either the Korean version or I just made it bymyself. So in conclusion, pancakes are oddly special to me:) 

Side note - look at how cute and small this maple syrup jug is. 
        We didn't have maple syrup so I bought this at Target, because I had to use honey on my french toast (which tasted good, and honey and maple syrup are like cousins anyway). 

Another key ingredient to the recipe is greek yogurt. A fun fact about me is that I don't like any yogurt except unflavored greek yogurt. I've just never been a dairy person (cheese, milk) and I recently entered the lactose intolerant club. It's a really cool club...not really. (I'm a mild, self-diagnosed case haha). Here's the link to the recipe before if you want to try it!

I hope this video makes you smile! Just click on the link to watch, even though it looks like it's not an active link it is. Leave a comment on this blogpost if you're feeling good today:)


  1. certainly will take your advice to zest up my next recipe!... hopefully it'll zest up my life as well :)

  2. Looks tasty Rebekah! I have some lemons so I'll be making these in the morning.


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