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DIY Chunky Clay Rings + Some (deeper) Thoughts

Doing a year of Zoom University can really drain a person, so maybe I can blame my inactivity for that reason. The last time I posted was a year ago, maybe??? The other day, I was thinking about how summers tend to feel so far away from each other. In high school, there was a distinguishable difference (my English professors are probably quaking from that odd syntax) - I mean obvious shift - between the years. For example, oh - that year I went to a Missions Trip and that year my sister got married. But in 2021, the 2020 summer seems like it was "just yesterday," although so much  has changed. How have you grown over the past year?  Freshman year + the first two months of summer have been c h a o t i c. Ft. me rewinding by making these rings, although you don't see how frustrated I am with how long it takes to make those squiggly lines.  A formless block of clay can become a beautiful adornment, statement, or representation of art once it is shaped. Before the start of co

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