DIY Bucket Hat // Quarantine Life


     Hey everyone! This is my first post on the blog since February 2019 (!), a time that seems to be an alternative universe now.  I truly hope that you are able to receive some sort of peace, joy, and inspiration from these posts. Unleashing the creative monster inside of me therapeutically expands my perspective on what matters and what is possible. I'm so excited for you to get a glimpse of the wide variety of hobbies/passions that I have been able to cultivate in this season. Blogging, an embarrassing pastime of elementary-middle school Rebekah, is one of them!

One week ago, I decided to pull out our 10+ year old sewing machine. My mom bought it at Costco but never finished setting it up since the instruction packet can be a little confusing. After two hours of intense Youtube-tutorial watching, I figured it out! I highly recommend that you dedicate a few hours to learning how to use the machine if you're interested. Sewing seems very intimidating but the basics of setting it up and doing stitches is actually quite simple! Since I'm a visual learner, the Youtube tutorials really helped me.

Singer machine (a popular sewing brand)

For the first two days of sewing, I mindlessly tried to make little coin bags or pockets. I soon realized that to do some real sewing you need the essentials: general pins, fabric scissors, needles, measuring tape, and fabric of course. So I went ahead and ordered pins and a scissor on Amazon! The rainbow on the scissors always mesmerizes me, haha.

If you are interested in making a DIY Bucket Hat, here is the link to an aesthetic blog (The Essentials Club) that I used for inspiration. I love their upcycling projects! It provides a free pdf sewing pattern and a Youtube tutorial:
 A bucket hat is a simple project for beginners like me and it can be done in a single day. Sewing and putting together the hat was sooo fun and soothing! I listened to soundtracks from Disney movies, High School Musical, and Hamilton while also Facetiming friends. Like I said, although a new hobby may seem daunting, it can quickly evolve into an opportunity for you to expand your interests in ways that were limited by the noise in our lives before. Throughout the school year, whenever my brain was melting from doing integrals or writing a paper, I would slowly drift off from my work and find myself daydreaming about projects like this. I always felt like I was being pulled in a hundred different directions (haha HSM quote) but right now I am learning how to live out a season of rest even though it's hard.. Trust me, not every day I am creating Pinterest-like art and sometimes I get really frustrated with how life is right now. A beautiful quote from Megan Harper Nichols completely changed my perspective on productivity and  I encourage you to soak in: 

"restful moments are just as productive as moments when I am working." -MHN

Stay tuned for future sewing projects! It's my mission to master making one piece of clothing this summer. 


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